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Harmonic Chart



Reproduction of Screenprint 1984 - (image displayed).

I have related the 12 colours of the visible spectrum to the 12 notes in a musical octave. And further, the octave and the colour spectrum both manifest as a doubling of frequency from one end to the other. The harmonics and their placement generate a visual dance which the eye enjoys, and which can be played as colour sequences of musical notes.

A    =   red

Bb  =   red orange

B    =    orange

C    =    orange yellow

C#  =    bright yellow

D    =    yellow green

Eb  =    green

E     =    blue green

F      =    blue

F#   =    blue violet

 G    =     violet

G#   =    violet red

 Michael Smither CNZM 2024

Edition of 70                           

Size 900 x 540

Price $1500


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